Awaking from a surgical procedure not many years ago, my first words to the anesthesiologist were: "Where did my soul go?" I'd have been pleased if he answered, "that's above my pay-grade" but he had no reply. I'm a daily napper. If 32 per cent of my life is spent sleeping and waking, sleeping and waking, it will be a life well-lived. Because one can't be awake without sleeping.

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Uh oh--creeped me out. Astral projection.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Adam Jacobs

You are obviously missing the point. The article isn’t about the physical and physiological aspect of sleep. It’s about the intangibles, the spirit/metaphysical. “Foolish nonsense” it is not. Millions of learned men (and women) have pondered these types of questions for millennia.

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