It started off well but then got lost in the weeds. Re reality, let's go for a Zen slap: "I think, therefore, I am," said Rene Descartes. He had a practical approach that makes the greatest sense. Yes, we are made of stardust. Yes, there are cells, molecules, and atoms, etc. that make up living beings. We can "believe" all of this without even blinking an eyeball. Maybe G-d has to do with consciousness. Or maybe not. I side with Descartes and don't worry about it at all.

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At this late date I'm sure only you, Ms. Spaight will read this. I have heard that Descartes' famous saying has been translated wrongly for the purpose of making it more understandable to materialist Westerners. "I have consciousness, therefore"...is closer to what he really said, something Hoffman would fully agree with.

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Cogito, ergo sum.

Not sure that cogito translates as consciousness. And I know many Vedantic scholars who agree. Any sources for your translation?

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Thank you. This reminds me of Cinderella and the "glass" slipper, which was found to actually be fur. In any event, the wrong translation does express how I feel.

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