Excellent commentary. BTW I loved the graphic. Who does it portray? Your writing is clear and to the point--no weeds, no balancing angels on the heads of pins, etc. I have been asked this very question when I try to explain that I weigh and judge things by what I consider to be "good." I get stumped every time because I can't "prove" what is good. As we become more conscious as individuals and I would hope as a society, our empathy and awareness grow stronger. For starters we can say that we desire not to hurt other beings and now also not our environment. One can slice and dice what it means "not to hurt." A surgeon has to hurt a patient to gain access to whatever is making that patient ill. But the greater hurt would be for the surgeon not to cut. In truth, it's a balancing act, every single day and the target is always moving.

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I truly love articles that invite me to think, without telling me what to think. Your blog invited to me delve deeper into what I comprehend good to be. I came to the conclusion that good is not a thing, not a destination, but a direction that moves us from what feels good as experienced by our physical senses, to that which expands us all into fulfilling our collective potential. Nothing of this dimension is fixed, everything is in a state of movement, of evolving, of becoming something much greater than itself. Good is the magnetic north on our life compass, helping us navigate through the narrow passages of our limited understanding as we seek True North, the ultimate purpose of existence itself.

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