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Thank you for sharing this! I first did Holotropic Breathwork in 88/89 and it was positively intense and very therapeutic. Having a history of trauma it was very beneficial in opening up a deeper understanding of those experiences and how they affected my sense of body and the feelings of being unsafe.

As a sitter for someone while in a group of around 20 breathers it is also very intense to observe what people are experiencing during their breathing sessions. Some people that had severely abused childhoods had tremendous experiences with thrashing around and screaming. Being there with this allowed me to put my traumas in perspective knowing that others had much more difficult experiences in their lives than I did. It gave me a sense of acceptance of my experiences and seemed to help me transcend the feeling of victimization.

I had also had a lot of psychedelic experiences prior to the breathwork which also had therapeutic effects. I think both approaches can be very therapeutic for people but not for everyone.



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