My favorite passage from Soloveitchik's "Man Of Faith In The Modern World" suggests that ultimately Man need not be driven by the past. We are not machines:


The Patriarchic Covenant introduced a new concept into history. While universal (non-Jewish) history is governed by causality, by what preceded, covenantal (Jewish) history is shaped by destiny, by a goal set in the future.

Universal history is of an etiological nature; every event is brought about by a preceding cause. Event A occurs and B follows, or, colloquially speaking, A begets B. Such history develops almost mechanically, origins determine events; the present is precipitated by the past. Most historians are guided by this principle, namely, that causality (or high probability) dictates unfolding events. When secular scholars try to interpret Jewish history in this manner, they inevitably arrive at bizarre conclusions and distortions.

Covenantal Jewish history, by contrast, is teleological, not etiological. This means that it is propelled by a purpose. What happens to Jews emanates from a Divine promise foretold about the future, rather than by events impelling from the past. Jewish history is pulled, as by a magnet, towards a glorious destiny; it is not pushed by antecedent causes. This is the meaning of the Patriarchic Covenant; it is a goal projected, a purpose pursued, a destination to be reached. <<

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Well, I love - and feel - everything you're saying. And agree with your wonderful suggestions. But no. You haven't talked me into being " for" AI. We can do everything you suggest, in my opinion, without it.

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Wow. I'm so relieved. Thanks Peter. You can open the pod bay door now, Peter. Peter. Open the pod bay door.

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Ha! And yet… Here we all are. The pod bay door is open and we’re already through it— floating in outer space with no one to show us how things are done.

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THIS: "We can think and create in ways that break patterns rather than reinforce them. But we have to choose to do so." A resounding AMEN. It is important to keep revitalizing our perceptions, thoughts, feelings, responses, and more to everything and everyone around us. Bust the tropes and embrace paradox.

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