O I LOVED this one! Finally some relief away from the mathematics and angels dancing on the head of a pin. YES, YES, YES, infused spirituality is absolutely experiential!
"When someone says this, they are drawing an important distinction between belief and institution." This is so true. It gives us the freedom to experience true spirituality instead of artificial constructs, that, all-too-often, have many, many attached rules and so-called norms that make absolutely no sense at all. Why must priests and nuns be celibate? Why shouldn't same-sex marriage be on a par with heterosexual marriage? What is the logic of "saving onself" until marriage? Why is contraception banned? Could a soul whose journey into a womb find a new womb if a pregnancy is aborted? There are so many questions and the institutions fail to give us relevant answers because they rely on rules from ages ago. Count me as one who draws that all-important distinction. And I believe in reincarnation too.
They're not mutually exclusive.
More of this sort of essay, please.... <3
O I LOVED this one! Finally some relief away from the mathematics and angels dancing on the head of a pin. YES, YES, YES, infused spirituality is absolutely experiential!
"When someone says this, they are drawing an important distinction between belief and institution." This is so true. It gives us the freedom to experience true spirituality instead of artificial constructs, that, all-too-often, have many, many attached rules and so-called norms that make absolutely no sense at all. Why must priests and nuns be celibate? Why shouldn't same-sex marriage be on a par with heterosexual marriage? What is the logic of "saving onself" until marriage? Why is contraception banned? Could a soul whose journey into a womb find a new womb if a pregnancy is aborted? There are so many questions and the institutions fail to give us relevant answers because they rely on rules from ages ago. Count me as one who draws that all-important distinction. And I believe in reincarnation too.