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O dear, this essay was so cynical and condescending. I don't see ANYTHING wrote with expressing sentimentality. We could use a LOT more of it in today's world. Intense love and feeling belong in every art form, including poetry. And, everything and everyone is connected to everything and everyone. Separations, while painful as holy heck, ultimately, are temporary. In the afterlife (or reincarnation), souls reconnect many times over. As for astral projection, that is NOT necessary death. Many people have this experience and some even bilocate. Sorry you are disappointed in life, Dr. Grubin. I wish that you will have joyous over-the-top reunions with everyone you love. And even more, I wish you could feel the mystical connectedness of all. P..S. I studied under James Wright for a term in college and he was a very good poet. I never found any fake or shallow sentimentality in what he taught us.

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