You know it’s too bad. I wrote a lovely response to my elderly colleague that was wiped out when I signed in. Does not make me happy Admin.

I can’t recreate it. So all I will say is sounding like a crotchety old SDS member, Ms. Spaight, is no more attractive now than when you were lecturing us Yippies on being immature and hurting the “revolution.” This young woman laid out her life and feelings and you are yelling “get off my lawn!” Put on your big girl pants!” Wasn’t helpful in 1968 and isn’t helpful now

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You know, I just saw Ms. Spaight's comments and although I sympathize with her views about her own experiences and days of activism, I would encourage her to not make assumptions about any author's activism or lack thereof.

As Ms. Spaight indicated, it takes a community to address the complex issues we continue to face, but I would like to point out that writing IS a form of activism as is evidenced by activist writers throughout history, including writers of the 60's. Perhaps the author engages in other forms of activism... we don't know. But even if she doesn't, who is to say that her contribution to understanding the impact that our crazy world is having on many people is not of value?

I for one, appreciate her honesty as it helps to further elucidate the destructive nature that current forces have on our minds and souls. We all cope differently. We all fight differently. We all pray differently. I find them all valuable.

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Wow, what a powerful piece and a direct reflection of the minefield that patriarchal attitudes and right wing policies continue to leave around the world.

Additionally, although the concern with materialism is a legitimate one for ALL generations, I would respectfully argue that the senior editor missed the larger point of the author's piece.

Thank you for writing this Ms. Gruodis-Gimbel. It's a real wake-up call reminding us of the emotional fallout plaguing our younger generations.

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How about those of us who DID live through hiding under the desks and having nightmares about a nuclear war? There was 9/11. And NOW we are living through the school shootings, the extremism, the wildfires (yes, I saw the orange sky right outside my window!), the serial killers, the racism, COVID, etc. This after the riots and cities burning. Maybe that writer needs to be just a little bit grateful that she has survived with an intact family! I'm 74 so I've seen all of this. And yet I'm grateful that I did NOT have to experience 2 world wars, especially the Holocaust! I realize how fortunate I am to be alive with most of my loved ones alive (COVID did take a couple). What good will it do to use nihilism to cover up one's sensitivity? YES, life CAN be overwhelming. The issues are complex and they are many. Why not choose one or two--or a few--and work to protest or help to solve the problems? Let others take on the other issues. Self-pity gets people exactly nowhere. One of the greatest gifts I got from the turbulent 60s was the sense of community and the need for activism. That enables me to survive and do the best I can in the turbulent 2000s. True my marching shoes had to be hung up, so these days I go online. Methinks that gal needs a good Zen "slap" to wake her up.

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