Maxwell firmly believed that "The God who had revealed himself to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was the same as the God of nature." According to Maxwell, the act of God's creation is the presupposition of all science, even though this act of creation itself is not open to scientific explanation. For Maxwell, the divine creation of the universe and of natural law is "clearly evidenced in seemingly inexplicable features of the cosmos such as the identical properties of molecules in all parts of the universe, near and far."
Uniformity in the natural world and the unity of natural law are simply reflections of the unified will of the one God who brought them into being and who "hast arranged all things by measure and number and weight." Maxwell affirmed that cosmic "uniformity is intended and accomplished by the same Wisdom and Power of which uniformity, accuracy, symmetry, consistency, and continuity of plan are important attributes," and he believed that the divine image in humanity enabled humans to comprehend that unity and lawful nature of the world.
Unusual clarity in this writing.
The Enlightening Spirit of God
Maxwell firmly believed that "The God who had revealed himself to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob was the same as the God of nature." According to Maxwell, the act of God's creation is the presupposition of all science, even though this act of creation itself is not open to scientific explanation. For Maxwell, the divine creation of the universe and of natural law is "clearly evidenced in seemingly inexplicable features of the cosmos such as the identical properties of molecules in all parts of the universe, near and far."
Uniformity in the natural world and the unity of natural law are simply reflections of the unified will of the one God who brought them into being and who "hast arranged all things by measure and number and weight." Maxwell affirmed that cosmic "uniformity is intended and accomplished by the same Wisdom and Power of which uniformity, accuracy, symmetry, consistency, and continuity of plan are important attributes," and he believed that the divine image in humanity enabled humans to comprehend that unity and lawful nature of the world.