Excellent essay and free of slicing and dicing! A fab book to read is Return to Laughter about a white anthropologist who lived for a time in an African tribal village. She learned to appreciate and respect the culture she found herself in but she also learned not to devalue her own culture. Even in one's own country, one can experience culture shock. I experience it every day when I see the polls reflecting all this worship of Trump. I'm definitely from NY liberal culture and I'm happy to stay in it in this case.

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Thanks as ever for your lovely comment Billie! And thanks also for the book recommendation, I'd not heard of it. Re. culture shock and Trump, I can imagine how you felt - there was a bit of that over here in 2016 too, with Brexit, although I think (hope?) that the societal divisions are melting away a bit now.

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You are most welcome. I like down-to-earth realistic and analytical essays that deal with things that actually concern us.

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As the USA is being flooded with cultures from around the world, you-they should respect our culture.

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Thanks for your comment Duane - serious question though: how do you reconcile this point of view with the way that the US was founded?

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This nation was founded by WHITE CHRISTIAN men, all English speaking. . . That is the culture that founded this nation. All other cultures were way behind those men, in every manner, as they are today. I only make exceptions for American Indians!!!

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