Carlos Casteneda once wrote that to be a warrior (spiritually), you must be impeccable. Practicing our ethics in daily life, being consistent, is vital. As Pete Buttigieg put it: "I care about this because my faith teaches me that salvation has to do with how to make myself useful to those who have been excluded, marginalized, and cast aside and oppressed in society." I want that on my tombstone. That is how we are supposed to live our lives; that is what our lives are for!

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"All of us must respond to the call of the other in their lived context." Bravo! Right action cannot be prescripted, morality cannot be legislated, love cannot be compelled by rules.

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"...a teacher is guided by the specific confusion in a given lesson and the learning style of a singular student..." -- so well said. This is why gurus, guides, and sages can give what appears to be contradictory advice depending on who they are addressing.

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If everything ultimately emanates from and is connected to the truth of reality, anything / everything can lead us to a realization of that truth, including Blink 182 lyrics.

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