When a bee stings, it dies. It sacrifices itself for the good of the hive. I read "dead" for grave here. Bee stings can relieve arthritis. And they can also cause anaphylexis. I am not sure that only one who has experienced something can heal another person experiencing it. Sometimes having gone through great pain causes some people to shut down. IMHO, the healing can only come from one thing--empathy. That can come from another experiencer or it can come from someone blessed with that quality. Not all poems wound. Some celebrate great joy.
When a bee stings, it dies. It sacrifices itself for the good of the hive. I read "dead" for grave here. Bee stings can relieve arthritis. And they can also cause anaphylexis. I am not sure that only one who has experienced something can heal another person experiencing it. Sometimes having gone through great pain causes some people to shut down. IMHO, the healing can only come from one thing--empathy. That can come from another experiencer or it can come from someone blessed with that quality. Not all poems wound. Some celebrate great joy.
Dear Ms. Billie M. Spaight,
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I agree with you. Wise words.
You are most welcome.